

counter attack

Tips on Winning a Street Fight

The only guarantee of winning a fight is not to even be in one. Avoiding direct confrontation can be a difficult thing, requiring a disciplined mind and a strong nerve but anyone can do it! Even you!
Now I'm not saying to run away from every trouble that comes your way, but handling the situation in a manner where fists are not needed. Most scuffles are started by a little anger and pent up frustration, that is the true enemy. If you fight your opponent's anger, you are fighting him without your fists.
This psychological combat that takes place prior to a fist fight is very strong and very intense. You must take a strong stance in a mental frame of mind before fighting Replica Louis Vuitton bag, concentrate on the problem and why your opponant is angry. Did you do something wrong to this person? Is the situation rectified? If you were this angry, what would make you happy? Ask these questions to yourself and answer them, within lies your unspoken victory.
If the ruffian is a bully with a strong will, you will be challenged. Use your words carefully, not directly challenging your opponant but challenge what he thinks. Fight his anger.
"Your going to fight me over a fender bender?", "Don't worry, I'm fully insured.", "Maybe cash will remedy this problem?"
The idea is simply to put your enemy into a more relaxed state of mind. Pull the aggression out of them and turn their focus elsewhere by appearing innocent, helpful, maybe even playful. Use your mind to diffuse the situation and lower the aggression level. By lowering his aggression level you are essentially lowering his defenses. Use a soothing voice and appear as non-threating as possible. Try to sully their confidence.
The counter attack is where the fight begins. The difference being your enemy is now caught off guard by your explicit friendliness and is open for attack physically and mentally. As soon as they are calmed and are not focused on you, counter attack! You turn your enemy from a strong offensive point, to a weak defensive point ensuring your chances for a swift victory.
Surprise is the key element here and you must use it to your advantage. By striking your foe in the head or face with a heavy or blunt object you may render suitable damage to put them down. HotNews XIAOXU0825 :

